Stuck Design turns ideas into lovable realities.

Stuck Design turns ideas into lovable realities.

We help emerging entrepreneurs and global brands create captivating products, apps, spaces, and marketing activations.

We provide

➊ technical smarts,

➋ incisive design research, and

➌ deep human insight

to make well-built solutions that people love.

Does your project coincide with our core areas?

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No strings attached. Helpful insights guaranteed.

Get ready to delight your users and win design awards.

We’ve won over 30 top international design awards including the Red Dot, iF, IDSA IDEA, Core77, Japan’s G Mark, and the prestigious President’s Design Award in Singapore.

Ongoing Projects

Last updated: 18 July 2023

  • Confidential robotic cooking appliances for Evochef
  • New category-creating B2C consumer lifestyle device for a product-venture company currently in stealth mode
  • Designing the experience blueprint for future healthcare centred on humanity, for Alexandra Hospital
  • Enhance sense of social connectedness & community for seniors through Good Design Research
  • Map the service experience for cancer treatment fitness assessment to identify opportunities for improvements, for National University Hospital
  • Confidential product mechanism innovation for P&G
  • Marketing iPad app for Nikon-Essilor
  • Confidential optical demo tools for Essilor
  • Inspire students to create and supercharge ideas, at Bedok South Secondary School
  • Co-create new learning spaces by actualising human-centred goals and the school’s philosophy, for Holy Innocents’ High School
  • HDB user engagement research project to make community places truly meaningful & create a sense of belonging
  • Packaging, product development, and Kickstarter campaign for In Vitro
  • Confidential interface and retail experience design for Unilever

Founded in 2010, STUCK is based in sunny Singapore.

STUCK Design Pte Ltd – 2 Kallang Pudding Road, #06-01/04 Singapore 349307

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